‘Do or die’- The slogan raised by Mahatma Gandhi in a fiery speech was the best way to describe the feelings of thousands of Indians. In one of the final attempts to make our country independent, on 8th August 1942, the Quit India movement was launched under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi to end British rule in India which led to a huge impact on Britishers but also witnessed sacrifices by our freedom fighters. To remember their efforts an activity was conducted for grade 8th students. Students were asked to create posters and give a brief presentation on it. They came up with amazing posters to portray the sacrifices of our leaders. We could witness the wave of patriotism spread through the speech and slogans raised by our young patriots. As we concluded the session, students were filled with gratitude and inspired at the same time by the freedom fighters and a zeal to do something for their nation.