International Youth Day is an awareness day designated by the United Nations to raise awareness about the cultural and legal issues surrounding the youth. Subsequently, it is being celebrated every year to highlight the importance of youth people as the driving force of change in the world. To celebrate the importance of youth, Presidium Indirapuram had organized a VIRTUAL DELIBERATION on the topic: ‘YOUTH AN ASSET FOR TOMORROW’. The students were divided into various groups and were allotted different sub-topics like YOUTH AN ASSET FOR POLITICAL CHANGE, YOUTH AN ASSET FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, YOUTH AN ASSET FOR A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT and YOUTH CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. The students spoke and kept their points of view about the momentousness of youth in various fields and how they can contribute to the world to make it a better place to live in. This activity broadened the mindset of the young generation and also gave them a reason/zeal to become better individuals and change the world for good.